About .NET Framework and its Specifics
.NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft. It includes a large class library named Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability across several programming languages. Programs written for .NET Framework execute in a software environment named Common Language Runtime (CLR), an application virtual machine that provides services such as security, memory management, and exception handling. FCL and CLR together constitute .NET Framework.
FCL provides user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications. Programmers produce software by combining their source code with .NET Framework and other libraries. The framework is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) provides a language-neutral platform for application development and execution, including functions for exception handling, garbage collection, security, and interoperability. By implementing the core aspects of .NET Framework within the scope of CLI, these functions will not be tied to one language but will be available across the many languages supported by the framework. Microsoft’s implementation of CLI is Common Language Runtime (CLR).
CLR frees the developer from the burden of managing memory (allocating and freeing up when done); it handles memory management itself by detecting when memory can be safely freed. Instantiations of .NET types (objects) are allocated from the managed heap; a pool of memory managed by CLR. As long as a reference to an object exists, which may be either direct, or via a graph of objects, the object is considered to be in use. When no reference to an object exists, and it cannot be reached or used, it becomes garbage, eligible for collection.
Below there is a list of the articles that may be useful for each .NET programmer in the daily tasks. I’m sure you will find there something that will make your programming process easier and your knowledge deeper :)
→ Sorting in .NET
→ Aspects of Strings in .NET
→ The origin of GetHashCode in .NET
→ Hangfire: Task Scheduler for .NET
→ Type Conversion in .NET
→ Events and Threads in .NET
→ Precise Computation of CLR Object Size
*information about .NET Framework was taken from the web